The development and function of acid resistant pump


The development and role of acid pumps are as follows:

Pump is a general machinery, the various departments of the national economy for the transport of liquid pump variety, so widely used. In order to meet the different needs of various jobs, various types of pumps are required. The pump used for chemical production is not only large in number and variety, but also the conveying medium is corrosive, and its working conditions require high pressure, high temperature, etc., so the pump also has special requirements. These pumps are often more complex than ordinary pumps, and are machines that can lift liquids, transport liquids, and increase pressure, converting the original mechanical energy into liquid energy.

Acid resistant pump is based on the use of acid-resistant materials to develop and produce pumps, many acid resistant pump acid resistant reason is mainly because of the pump material, pump overflow part of the general use of non-metallic materials, such as "polyethylene, polypropylene, polyperfluoroethylene propylene", polyperfluoroethylene is one of the acid-resistant materials, basically can resist the corrosion of any acid medium for a long time, The choice of acid-resistant pumps has always been one of the important issues in the chemical industry, which has the potential to damage equipment and cause accidents and disasters.

According to relevant statistics, about 60% of the damage in chemical plants is caused by corrosion, so when choosing acid pumps, we must first pay attention to the scientific selection of materials. Usually people mistakenly think that stainless steel is a good material, but in some cases the use of stainless steel is very dangerous. Therefore, plant operation and chemical production need reasonable selection of acid-resistant materials.

With the development of science and technology, acid pumps play an increasingly important role in chemical industry, metallurgy, electric power, paper, food, pharmaceutical, synthetic fiber and other industries, pump overflow parts are plastic alloy (polytetrafluoroethylene, perfluoroethylene propylene and other materials) through reasonable formula molding processing. Acid pump integrates the advantages of various plastics, such as strong corrosion resistance, high mechanical strength, no aging, etc., is the ideal equipment for conveying a variety of strong acids and weak acids.


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